Physio for lower back pain, Back strains, strengthening, stretches, disc bulge/protrusion, facet irritation, sacroiliac joint pain, piriformis syndrome, sciatica, scoliosis, poor posture etc

Physio for Neck Pain, wry neck, headaches, dizziness, pinched nerve, poor posture

Physio for Shoulder pain, tendinopathy, impingement, arthritis, rotator cuff tears, SLAP lesion, post op rehab, AC joint sprain

Knee cap (patella) tracking issues, jumpers knee, bursitis, knee arthritis, meniscus tears, Osgood Schlatters disease, post op rehab for replacements and ACL reconstructions etc

Ankle sprains, tendinopathy, achilles, bursitis, impingement

Womens Health, Pilates, Osteoporosis

Gym rehab, knee rehab, Pointe shoe fitting

Tennis elbow, golfers elbow, biceps tendinopathy, nerve entrapment

Wrist carpal tunnel syndrome, de Querivans tenosynovitis, tendinopathy, arthritis, post op rehab

Hip bursitis, impingement, hip flexor strain, tendinopathy, arthritis, post op rehab for replacements and arthroscopies etc

Foot pain: flat feet, turf toe, fractures, lis franc injury, plantar fasciitis, Sever’s disease

Muscle strains: thigh - quadriceps and hamstrings, gluteals, groin, hip flexor, calf (gastroc).

Other: We often see all kinds of variations and overlaps of symptoms. We offer professional injury management.

Cardio: COPD and the Active Cycle of Breathing technique