Feeling stretched?!

Christmas has come around already!

As you’re spending some quality time and with family and friends over the well-earned break, here are some simple ideas to keep your body moving during the Christmas period. 

Remember if it hurts you may be overdoing it or doing it wrong (or right!) so best to check in with us if you want to make sure you’re doing it right.

Hip flexor stretch 

To combat some increased sitting time, try this hip flexor stretch. Start kneeling on one knee, with your other foot comfortably resting on the floor. From here, focus on tilting your pelvis underneath to feel the stretch through the front of the hip on the ground leg. To increase the stretch further, lunge forwards. Hold for 30 seconds, do twice on each leg. 

Lumbar rotations

Feeling a bit full after Christmas lunch? Try these lower back rotations to get you moving in no time! Start by lying on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground. Arms can stay in a ‘T’ shape out to the side so they’re out the way. From here, rock the knees down to one side until you feel a pull in your lower back. The top foot may lift off the ground. Alternate sides, taking a deep breath in at the bottom of each stretch. Do 10-12 each side. 

Pelvic tilts

These tilts are great to do after standing for a long period of time. Start in the same position as above. Tuck your pelvis under (think like a dog putting a tail between it’s legs, or squashing a grape underneath your lower back). If you would like to feel some more muscles working, from there lift the hips up into a bridge position. Do 8-10 times. 

Pec stretch

If you’ve been hunched over your desk to get ready for holidays, give this stretch a go. Stand in a doorframe with your wrist and elbow lined up on the door frame. From here, twist yourself away from that arm to feel a stretch across the front of your chest and shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds, do twice each arm.

Neck stretch 

Neck feeling tight after that Christmas Day nap? In a seated position, use one hand to gently guide your ear towards your shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds, do twice on each side. 

From everyone at Jenkins Physiotherapy, we wish you a safe and merry Christmas. We are open during the festive period, so please feel free to give us a call on 9409 2277 or simply click here to book so we can help you.